30+ Awesome Google Tricks
Google Tricks for all: The majority of internet users visit google.com every day for their search queries. But most of us are still unaware of the amazing things we can do with Google. Here are some Google Tricks to dazzle you. These tricks will not only amaze you but also help you in your day to day life to make your life simpler and save your search time.
30+ Awesome Google Tricks
“spaghetti vs pizza“
If you are a foodie but diet conscious you can do a quick search for your favorite items. You can compare any two items to check the content in them. Choosing the healthy one will be an easy task for you then.
“set timer 11 seconds“
Most of our computers don’t come with a timer. To notify ourselves of the time, we have to download an app or so. Instead this trick will help you get the work done. You can set a timer as long as you want. Google will notify you in the time frame with an alarm. This is a perfect trick if you want to do time bound work.
“sunrise in Mumbai / sunset in Mumbai“
Early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise. These tricks shows you the crack of sunrise and sunset in your respective area. You can also change the search query for checking the sunrise and sunset in different cities across the globe. A very handy trick for checking the time of international cities where you want to call.
“zerg rush“
Zerg Rush is an online gaming term used to describe an overwhelming scale of attack carried out by one player against another in real time. Check out the search for fun. It’s amazing!
“Thane forecast“
Want to know how the weather in your city will be for today? Just search it on Google and you will get a detailed information regarding the same. You can also check out the forecast for other cities in the world. It’s quite simple!
“site:sarvisolutions.com search engine optimization“
We are so used to the search functionality that we can’t digest the fact that a certain website does not have a search box. At such times we leave the website even if it is very good. So, how to search the site if it does not have the functionality in built? Well Google has the answer for the same. All you need to do is type “site:” and the site URL followed by your search query. Google will display all the results for the search term on that particular website. Problem solved!
“tip calculator“
In some countries, you have to tip the waiter / waitress for the service they provide. Calculating the tip can be hassle if we are unable to calculate it. Google has solved that problem as well with it’s “tip calculator”. All you need to do is enter the bill amount and the percentage of tip you want to give on the total bill amount. The tip calculator will also tell you how to split the bill within the group. Very useful tool when going to a restaurant in groups.
“flight 339 GoAir“
Checking your flight information can be easy as typing in the correct term. You will be provided with a detailed information of when the flight arrives and on which terminal. The departure and arrival times are mentioned as well. I almost missed my flight to Delhi the other day!
“do a barrel roll“
This is just another trick for fun. The search query page does a barrel roll when searched for the term.
“tilt / askew“
Another one of the Google tricks to tilt the page a little.
“Furious 7 Release Date“
The release dates of your favorite movies can be seen in Google too. Check out your favorite movies’ release date with this trick.
“movies for mumbai, India“
You can check the latest movies playing in your city.
“founder google“
This is a very good way to find the founder of famous companies.
“songs by yo yo honey singh“
Search all the songs by your favorite singer on Google with this trick.
“songs by metallica“
Search songs of your favorite band with this Google trick.
“atari breakout“
Search for atari breakout in Google Images and get amazed!
“32 inches = cms“
Conversion is very simple in Google. All you need to do is enter the 2 units.
“100 USD = INR“
Currency conversion is only a step away on Google.
“1 BTC = INR“
For the bitcoins lovers, Google has currency conversion for bitcoins too.
“english to arabic“
You don’t need to go to Google Translate every time you want to search anything. Just type in the 2 languages you want and Google will translate it for you in a jiff.
This is a fun Google trick. If you search for recursion, it will keep asking if the entered query is correct.
“books by frederick forsyth“
Search all the books by your favorite author on Google.
“Christmas 2014“
You can find any holiday in an year with Google.
Festivus, a well-celebrated parody, has become a secular holiday celebrated on December 23 that serves as an alternative to participating in the pressures and commercialism of the Christmas season. You see a grey bar on the left everytime you search for Festivus.
“etymology claustrophobia“
You can search the etymology of any word with this quick trick.
“define claustrophobia“
You can search the meaning of any word with Google in one step.
“google in 1998“
Want to see how Google looked when it first launched back in 1998. Search for “google in 1998″ and stroll the memory lane with Google.
Check the prices for your favorite stocks in one simple step. If you are aware of the short names of the stocks you want to buy, search them in Google.
“calories in avocado“
Want to know the amount of calories you are consuming in a meal or in the fruits you consume.
“how old is angelina jolie“
You can check the age of famous personalities in Google with this quick step.
“time in Tehran“
Want to know the time across the globe? Quick search in Google with this query and you will get the local time in that city.
“weather in Mumbai“
Weather updates are often tricky. Use Google for the updated weather information of your area.
Don’t have a calculator in your computer? Do you math calculation with Google calculator.
To kern is to adjust the spacing between characters in a piece of text to be printed. Hence when you search for kerning on Google, you will find the word “kerning” with spacing between it’s characters.
Another fun trick by Google. Searching for “anagram” will show you the words that can be created with the letters in anagram.
The famous and evergreen game of pacman can be played on Google. (Alternatively, we have the game on our site too!)
“(sqrt(cos(x))*cos(200x)+sqrt(abs(x))-0.7)*(4-x*x)^0.01, sqrt(9-x^2), -sqrt(9-x^2) from -4.5 to 4.5“
Are you shy to say to someone that you love them? Show them your feelings graphically using Google!
Birthday Wishes from Google
Google makes you feel special on your birthday. The homepage is changed and Google wishes you on your birthday. This is the most awesome part of Google.
The above mentioned tricks are some of them which I encountered while searching on Google and some of them were found on various blogs and websites. There might be many more tricks which I might have missed. Certainly there are many blogs where you will find other tricks than the ones mentioned here. If you are aware of any more such tricks which can be added to this list, please do share it in the comments below. I’d love to add your findings in this list. Also, share this content to your family and friends who are or are not internet-savvy. This will certainly benefit them and they will thank you for this!